Thursday 26 August 2010

masak lemak negori kepala ikan

salam semua,terlambat sikit masuk n3 hari ini.akak korang terlelap..tido lepas suboh..dah lama tak buat..sedapnya aku berdengkur...tgk2 rumah kwn2 semua dah ada gambo2 kueh raya.aku ni satu hapah pun belum buat lagik..isshh..susah gak hati ni..

ni,mr suami aku tu bulan2 posa asek nak ikan tenggiri goreng jek.kepalanya takan nak goreng.sayang ngko.aku pun menggulai le semalam dgn belimbing kontot tu.belimbing besi namanya..sedap tak terkata..kali kedua aku menggulai sepanjang ramadhan ni.

kepala ikan tenggiri

telur ikan dgn kepalanya


3 kerat kepala ikan
1 senduk kecil cili api(bln posa jgn buat pedas)
santan dari 2 biji kelapa(asingkan cair dan pati)
Rm1 belimbing buloh (tumbuk sedikit buang air)


jerang santan cair bersama cili padi,garam dan belimbing
masukan ikan.
didihkan semula
masukan pati santan
siap dan sedia untuk di hidangkan

*spt biasa,saya masak ikut pure negori tak ada bawang atau serai dlm masakan gulai lemak cili api ikan..tapi pastikan santan nya pekat..saya tak letak asam keping sbb belimbing itu dah boleh ganti masam


  1. sedapnya.. i can imagine.. baru ni balik kampung my mil masak ikan parang salai masal lemak.. sedap sangat.. ni tgk yr pic ni rasa nak balik kampung lagi sekali heheh

  2. mak poi ai.. tolo ikan tu dah lami tak jumpo. Boli tonggiri tolo e dah tak ado..

  3. Hello Anymz, Wow! I love your this 2 dishes. Boleh saya datang makan? Ha ha. Da tentu guarantee tiga pingan nasi lichin, ha ha ha.

    Anymz, may I have your permission copy your these lovely dishes, next day bila nak buka cherita.....cannot always talk about SYTs kan, ha ha....about food, saya nak put your pics in the cherita. Boleh?
    Ada Royalty ke nak surat lawyer? Ha ha.
    Ohya, will credit nama you, of course.
    Terma kaseh in anticipation.Selamat berpuasa and have a happy hari Merdeka, Lee.

  4. Lady:ikan parang salai??ermmm..sedap tul tu..tapi rumah i ikan parang kurang laku la..maklum bebudak ni malas nak asingkan dgn ikan tenggiri,i prefer ikan parang sbb lagi manis isinya...

  5. kak pah:ini musti kakpah dapek ikan jantan ni..sbb tu tolo ee tak ponah ado..hehe

  6. want to pay me royalty ka...chaiyok2 la uncle...dont forget to give credit my name ok...ambik aje la uncle..jangan u mengaku u yang masak sudahlah..i penat2 dok dapur menyalai ikan,nnt sedap2 uncle kata uncle yang masak...fuhh..if that happen bukan surat lawyer yg sampai,dgn i sekali sampai rumah you tu tau..hehe...

  7. Hello Anymz, I just masuk your dapur look at your older postings suda ahemmm, copy a few gambars, that sipur sendut, bamboo shoot lemak, taugay with sotong rock and roll, ikan siakap, and couple more.

    And will certainly credit you, as I cannot cook, pandai makan sahajah, ha ha...
    I love your humour Anymz, ha ha ha....
    Waaa, under different circumstances, if had met you and you invite for dinner, habis cherita.

    The last time, I married the cook, ha ha.
    Ni nak tengok movie 'Madu Tiga', nak belajar, how? Ha ha.

    I am giving you a recipe to say terima kaseh.

    It is a cake called, "I'M ALL YOURS".
    Imagine baking this cake, and your hubby ask you 'apa you buat'? You tell him.....tentu the cake pun lupa nak buat, ARHAAAAA HA HA HA.
    Here the recipe,

    • 1 (18.25-ounce) box yellow cake mix, plus ingredients to prepare
    • 1 (20-ounce) can crushed pineapple
    • 1 1/3 cups sugar
    • 1 (3.4-ounce) box French vanilla pudding, plus ingredients to prepare
    • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
    • 1 cup flaked, sweetened toasted coconut


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
    Prepare yellow cake mix as directed using a greased 13 by 9 by 2-inch pan and bake for 30 to 35 minutes.
    While cake is baking, combine the pineapple and 1 cup of sugar in a saucepan, and bring to a boil over medium heat stirring constantly.
    Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.

    Remove cake from oven and using a fork, pierce holes into cake. Pour pineapple mixture over hot cake and set aside.
    Prepare pudding according to package directions.
    Spread pudding over cake and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.
    Whip heavy cream and remaining sugar until stiff.
    Cover top of cake with whipped cream and sprinkle toasted coconut on top.

    And then invite Uncle Lee....but no need to tell me the name...lecheh tu, ha ha.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  8. Uncle Lee:thnx for dropping by.. me free recipe lagi.thnx you lah...toce..toce..
    will bake it one day but not today lah ha,now i'm out with the children for hariraya shopping..
    i'm looking forward to meet you..wonder how you would look like...ada macam jackie chan ka hahaha..joke only ya uncle..
    by the way once again thanx for the recipe

    have a nice day to you too

  9. Hi Anymz, not to worry, saya satu hari tentu balek kampong....ada banyak kawan2 nak jumpa, and will certainly send you telegram first.
    But I will puasa first sebelum pergi rumah you.
    Of course will hint first about your famous sambal belachan and your ikan tenggiri sumbat sambal.....
    then you siap kan tiga pingan nasi....

    Incidentally I am 6'1", tip the scales pagi ni at exactly 200 pounds. Tidak la macham Jackie Chan, ha ha.....Hey...nanti, sebelum you exclaim, 'ALAMAK OI! Habis empat pinggan nasi"....still very shapely la. Saya jaga badan, otherwise susa nak admire SYTs kan? Ha ha ha.

    Okay, you enjoy your shopping, beli tu designer sarong kebaya....and bila buat tu chari pasal cake....send me long you don't tell hubby the name, heh heh heh. Lee.
